Call for Submissions to the Summer School in Vocational Education and Training JVET EVENTS
Call for Submissions to the Summer School in Vocational Education and Training JVET EVENTS
23 - 24 July 2025
Venue: St Catherine’s College, Oxford, UK
Language: English
Fee: The event is free of charge for participants, including coffee breaks. Participants will be responsible for overnight accommodation charges (23 July 2024).
Call now closed.
Vocational Education – Current issues and challenges
The JVET summer school is dedicated to early career researchers in the field of vocational education and training. Organised with the support of the Journal of Vocational Education, the summer school takes place at St Catherine's College in Oxford.
Taking place from 23rd to 24th of July 2025 the Summer School offers early career researchers an ideal opportunity to network with other PhD students in the domain of VET, learn from key speakers in the field and interact with them, and exchange ideas about their work.
Early career researchers can also apply separately for the JVET conference, which takes place directly afterwards from 24th to 26th of July 2025.
Day 1:
On the afternoon of day 1 (23rd of July), the focus will be on "Current issues and open questions in VET" (speaker: Prof. Regina Mulder), followed by "Struggles and barriers on the way to a doctorate" (speakers: Prof. Marina Fiori, Prof. Mandy Hommel and Prof. Stephanie Allais) with the opportunity for exchange about pitfalls and opportunities of pursuing a PhD, and a relaxed "get together" in the evening in the city of Oxford.
Day 2:
In the morning of day 2 ( 24th of July), there is a choice between a methodological unit with respect to Qualitative Content Analysis (speaker Prof. Bärbel Fürstenau) or a unit on Generative AI and its use in research (Prof. Matthias Huber), followed by a working session with the speakers, in which participants will have the opportunity to ask specific questions related to their own research, including advice about data analysis and possible solutions to methodological problems.
Target group
The international Summer School is open to PhD students in the field of Education, Psychology, or Sociology with a special focus on Vocational Education.
Course aim
The summer school aims to discuss current issues and interdisciplinary research approaches to sharpen the choice and rationale of a PhD topic. During the summer school, students are encouraged to network and exchange ideas with peers in the process of writing a doctoral thesis. In addition, the summer school provides the opportunity to exchange thoughts on theoretical and methodological skills with the organizers and the invited speakers.
Application guidelines and procedure
PhD students interested in participating at the summer school should submit a CV and a motivation letter (maximum 1000 words) explaining their interest in the school and providing a description of their dissertation project/idea. In addition, they should also identify one or two questions/issues they would like to discuss at the summer school and specify which session they would like to attend on day 2. The application form is below.
Deadline for the application
This call closed Friday, 1st of November 2024 at 12 am UTC. Notification of acceptance will be sent by 15th of December 2024. Places are limited to a maximum of 25 doctoral students.
Mandy Hommel, Marina Fiori & Junmin Li
on behalf of the JVET management committee